Association of the Pious
9th December 2008
Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:
“ O you who believe! Fear Allah and join the company of the truthful” (9, 119)
Joining the company of the truthful is to associate with the pious and follow their ways.
Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an:
“When you see those finding fault with our Laws then turn away from them until such time that they engage in some other talk. And if shaitan causes you to forget (and you remained with them), then do not sit after remembering with unjust people.” (6,68)
Allah (swt) here very explicitly warns against association with those who mock the Deen; those who treat the Deen light-heartedly and show no respect for the Laws of Allah (swt).
Ibn Abbas (ra) narrates that RasulAllah (saw) was asked:
“Among those with whom we associate, who is the best?”
He (saw) replied:
“The one who reminds you of Allah when you look at him, his speech improves your Deen and his acts remind you of the Aakirah.” (Abu Ya’laa)
Here some important signs of a pious persons are mentioned.
Abu Umamah (ra) narrates RasulAllah (saw) said:
“Luqman said to his son: O my son! Associate with the Ulama. Make this an obligation on you. Listen to the talk of the people of wisdom because Allah (swt) livens a dead heart with the light of wisdom in the same way as the dead earth is enlivened by abundant rainfall.” (Tibraani)
Wisdom refers to the subtle point of the Deen. Such words of wisdom flow from the lips of the truthful saints of Allah (swt).
Here we make a point to mention that here the association of the truthful Ulema and saintly personalities is vital to ones seeking knowledge.
The above points show that just reading different books will not be enough to attain understanding of the Deen. This is due to the fact that, many people through reading books without understanding, stray away from the truth due to ignorance.
Allah (swt) has shown this process through the revealed scriptures. The Divine books where revealed from the heavens to Allah (swt)’s chosen servants who then in turn taught the people, bringing them from darkness into light.
Just as RasulAllah (saw) taught the Sahaba (ra) the Deen and Sunnah which they then taught to the common people. After them the Mujtahid Ulema (4 founders of the Schools of Fiqh) where instigated for the same purpose of teaching the people.
In every pursuit of knowledge a teacher is needed, for example: by reading medical books, no one becomes a doctor and he cannot diagnose patients. Instead of being beneficial his advise can be life threatening.
Ibn Masood (ra) says: “Whoever wishes to adopt the path of piety forever, should adopt the path of those pious ones who have passed away.”
We pray to Allah (swt) that he give us the correct understanding and ability to practise the Deen, Aameen.
Al Kauthar
Mufti Yusuf Danka (CMIC)